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Prescription Medicines & Refills

  • Patients with refills can have their prescription(s) transferred out to any pharmacy of their choice that may be closer and more convenient for them if they choose. 
  • If the patient has their prescription bottle, they can hand it to the pharmacy staff and let them know that they would want to have it filled there.
  • If the patient does not have their prescription bottle then the patient is to give the pharmacy staff their name, campus wide ID number, the name of the medication, and our phone number (657) 278-2890.  The pharmacy will take care of the rest.
  • If patients are unsure whether they have refills or not, they are always welcome to call us and our pharmacy staff can let them know.


Frequently Asked Question

Does the TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness accept or fill prescriptions from an outside physician?

We can only fill prescriptions written by a Student Wellness provider. If desired, please schedule an appointment with a Student Wellness provider for evaluation of your prescription.

How do I pay for my prescriptions?

Charges for services and products received at Student Wellness will post to your student account within 48 hours of service. At that time, you can make your payment:

  • online - your Titan Online Student Center


  • in person - at the campus Cashier's Office, GH-180

For more information regarding payment options, please contact Student  Business Services at (657) 278-2495 or

Can I use a prescription insurance card at the TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness?

We do not bill insurance but you may ask for a receipt to submit a claim to your insurance company. Also, you may inform your TitanMED provider that you have insurance and ask for the original prescription to fill at another pharmacy.

How can I refill a prescription?

Prescriptions previously filled at the TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness can be refilled if the prescription indicates refills are permitted. This can be ordered on the day of pick-up by telephone and in person.

If I have a prescription with refills originally filled at the TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness, can I have this prescription filled at another pharmacy?

Yes, we are able to transfer your prescription as long as there are valid refills left on the prescription order. Please call the other pharmacy and let them know of the transfer.

What over-the-counter (OTC) items are kept in stock by the TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness?

Over-the-counter items from TitanMED Pharmacy at Student Wellness
Ibuprofen 200mg  (Advil/Motrin) Clotrimazole 1% Cream
Loratadine 10mg (Claritin) Aquaphor Healing Ointment
Acetaminophen 325mg and 500mg (Tylenol) Guaifenesin Cough Syrup (Robitussin)
Halls (Cough Drops) Peptic Relief (Pepto-Bismol)
Nasal Moisturizing Spray Tampax
Artificial Tears Solution Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin)
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream  


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